Starting April 2023, LookUp will be offering offline dictionary support. Offline dictionary support makes LookUp faster and more accessible.

This is an often requested feature and I am delighted to be able to finally add this to LookUp!


LookUp will be starting the support for offline mode by providing definitions, example sentences, word origins.

Other search results including Translations, Wikipedia and detailed Thesaurus entries would require an internet connection.

Along with offline mode, LookUp will also be under-going another major change to the app. We’re going from a paid-upfront model to a Free with Subscriptions and In-an-purchases model.

Details of the Subscription:

What’s available for Free:

Latest Word of the day

Basic offline lookup of words with definitions and example sentences, and,

The ability to Like Words

What’s paid:

Thesaurus, Translations and Detailed Search Results.

The Learn functionality in LookUp

Access to more Words of the Day

Subscriptions and In App Purchases

Users will be able to buy LookUp’s subscription in three ways: A monthly subscription, Annual Subscription, and a Lifetime Purchase.

What about existing users?

Anyone who buys the paid-upfront app, up-until the date LookUp goes free (i.e. sometime in April), will get free lifetime access to all LookUp features and wouldn’t need to pay for the subscription.

The current paid-upfront price for the app is $9.99, the lifetime IAP will cost significantly more than that. So if you were to buy LookUp now, you could think of it as a way to get lifetime access at a major discount.

We’ve been selling LookUp as a paid-upfront app for 9 years now and it’s been immensely successful at that. By making LookUp free, even more people will be able to get a great user experience.